Monthly Archives: October 2019


On Wednesday I went for some exercise under the oaks at the Sepulveda Dam. For once I didn’t bring my camera but I thought, Things Look Dry….especially in the peripheral quadrants, those coyote-brush chaparral flat no-man’s-lands that fill in the corners made by the 405 and road crossings.

Thursday it caught fire, and by Friday morning, much of the refuge was in cinders, the barren ground still smoking.

Things could have been MUCH worse. The wet center of the refuge — along Haskell Creek — is where the most sensitive habitats are, and the most diverse micro-ecologies cluster together. Most of this was spared.

The outer chaparral quadrants, on the other hand, were ecologically extremely compromised to begin with. Not long ago the City raked the invasive scrub off to keep the homeless out (psst…, that’s not a solution either for homelessness or for wild lands management..)

Of course the land was never restored in any way — it was just disturbed with earth movers and then left to go to weed, and then tramped by hoboes and cruising truckers into a maze of hardpack paths. The first panel, below, is the result. Coyote brush is the only native plant that was able to gain a foothold amid the inflammable Spanish pasture mix mess that sprang up and gave no quarter. Even at full height the huge coyote brush can can only peek up through the wavy mass of desicated mustard whips, looking like green easter eggs hidden in a dry-tinder-grass basket. That shit is six-feet high.

The brave firemen used the road as a fire-break, and saved the opposite quadrant almost completely! (Woo hoo, LAFD!) They are still at work dousing smoldering oak logs and even oak roots. But amazingly, they were able to save one tiny little grove with a spectacular coyote brush in full ecstatic summer bloom. Bless it. May its seed scatter wide across the black earth!

Contempt for Congress IS A Thing

Congress has its own Sergeant-at-Arms. Congress has full constitutional powers to compel testimony, issue subpoenas and enforce compliance with the summons. Congress is under absolutely no constitutional mandate to refer cases of contempt to the Justice Department, or to wait out a response from the Executive branch, or to wait to get a spot on a court docket. Congress is never, EVER, either under its own procedural rules OR under the Constitution, in a position of being powerless, stymied or paralyzed. Congress has no responsibility to be reflexively submissive to overweening executive arrogance. It is only the individuals who happen to be in the Congress who are ever powerless, stymied, paralyzed and reflexively submissive to overweening executive arrogance. No citizen should ever accept the miserable excuse from their wealthy socialite chardonnay-swilling representative that Congress doesn’t have the right to audit Executive decisions, or the power to enforce consequences in the face of contempt. As with the process of impeachment, Congress need not even find or prove any criminal activity to hold an individual in contempt. The contempt for the People of the United States, in Congress Assembled, is enough. By the bye, members of Congress themselves are not immune from the investigation and censure of their peers.

Americans can easily recall an example of famous people being dragged through Congress for contempt, and sent to Federal prison. The Hollywood Reporter’s excellent digest above gives the details on each artist’s career, but here, to name names, are their names:

Alvah Bessie — served 12 months in Federal prison in Texarkana, TX.

Herbert J. Biberman — served 6 months in Texarkana.

Lester Cole — served 12 months in prison in Danbury, CT

Edward Dmytry — served four-and-a-half months in Federal prison in Mill Point, WV, then named names.

Ring Lardner, Jr. — served 12 months in Danbury, CT, where his co-jailbird was none other than his shrill Congressional inquisitor J. Parnell Thomas, who was, of course, foully corrupt during the whole time he was leading the witch-hunt.

John Howard Lawson — Served 12 months in Federal prison in Ashland, KY.

Albert Maltz — Served 12 months in Ashland, KY.

Samuel Ornitz — Served 12 months in Federal prison in Springfield, VT.

Robert Adrian Scott — Served 12 months in Federal prison in Ashland, KY. Scott had taken his case to the Supreme Court, which upheld his sentence for contempt of Congress.

Dalton Trumbo — Served 11 months in Ashland, KY.

If Congress can send a bunch of geeky filmmakers to prison for contempt, they can do the same for Executive branch crooks and unhinged Congressional hooligans.

Ritorno ai Grotto e ‘Flow Falls’

Early March. This was after the La Tuna Canyon Fire, and then months and months of rain. Canyon rejuvenation.

Below are these views in October. The sycamores, oaks and ashes aren’t dead at all, but have sprouted suckers like crazy. This is astonishing resiliency. Extreme conditions might favor the California native plants; maybe now they can get a leg up, while invasive plants are confounded.

The sycamore sent its roots deep down into the creek bed, allowing it to bounce back from what I feared was total annihilation. The tree remains an anchor that stabilizes the whole terrace.

The most vigorous colonizers of the new terrace are the amaranths, big medicine and good food for the Tongva — they are nutritious in both greens and grains. There are many species in California, including hybrid ornamentals; my best guess is these are Amaranthus powellii. All the plants are green, with maybe a blush of pink in the flowers; but one spectacular individual, among the largest in the creek bed, was a gorgeous red-purple.

A Boffo New Game for Patient Reader — “ID That Cal. Native Plant!”

High over the grotto, grows this divine weed.

Whee! TGIF folks!

TGIF, everybody’s raring to enjoy a well-earned weekend of drowsy leisure, resting and relaxing.

Why not instead play our new dementia-chasing game, “ID THAT CALIFORNIA NATIVE PLANT!”? Enjoy fascinating hours of online sleuthing and repetitive Googling in service of science. Don’t kill your brain cells this weekend; fill them to bursting with hard-earned KNOWLEDGE that BENEFITS MANKIND!

The fun is, you get to match your wits online in real time, against other readers of the View. For whoever gets the right answer to this brain-teaser first, wins the grand prize. It’s a better depression cure than Sudoku; and it BEATS SOLITAIRE HOLLOW!

PRIZE: the right to name the subject matter of a Valley Village View Blog post.Yes, YOU LUCKY WINNER will get your own personalized VVV article, on any subject thou choosest. Even rotisserie baseball, if I must.

All LUCKY WINNER has to to do, is: tell me what the Hell the Linnaean classification (Genus species) is, of this gorgeous native California wildflower. Here are the hints:

I found these growing on the sunny roadway and high canyon walls over the Grotto in the Verdugo Hills; say, 1000 feet above seal level. Riparian foothill chaparral, or fan-plain chaparral, is my best guess for the habitat type. The sage-green stems stretch to about six feet in height, seeking the sun: they reach out horizontally from the canyon walls where they have to. The spindly branches are covered with fragrant pale white-to-pinky-lavender flowers, which attract bees like nothing I’ve ever seen. They have dark magenta pistils. They bloom in October, obviously. I don’t think they are asters, but they might be. Pinnate leaves, it seems.